EC // FACTS: Why Are Tropical Birds So Colorful? – Elizabeth Cole Jewelry

EC // FACTS: Why Are Tropical Birds So Colorful?

EC // FACTS: Why Are Tropical Birds So Colorful? - Elizabeth Cole Jewelry
The colors of nature are a huge inspiration when designing my jewelry. Whether it be exotic animals or vibrant flowers, I have always been intrigued by the COLORS! And as I have said before, colors can be worn at any time of the year. Which causes me to incorporate some color in all of Elizabeth Cole Jewelry. 
But when creating the tropical line, I started to become curious as to why tropical birds are so brightly colored...
Having dramatic colored feathers is how birds can attract a mate. They also provide camouflage for birds when hiding from predators.
We at ECJ want to do quite the opposite with our vibrant birds. Whether it is our bright yellow and blue Zazu earrings or our red and pink Georgy earrings, the last thing you will be doing is concealing yourself from the crowd.


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